What a person does in their free time, is their choice. Within a dojo there are structures of loyalty and trust that are most fundamental, these bonds flow in both direction, from teacher to student and student to teacher. To violate those shows that the student of the art might he be teacher in his own right or disciple of a teacher, has failed to learned the very fundamental essence of eishin ryu iaido, and of budo as a way of life.
– on can question ones loyalty faced with grave misconduct, - and / or unjust decisions and destructive harmful actions by either side, teacher or student. Loyalty is not absolute, and does not extend to the private life of the individual, but is retained within the dojo relationship and in relationship to the art. –
There for, it is not proper to remove someone from the dojo for disloyal behavior clearly displayed within their own private life or time, even if it demonstrates lack of loyalty towards the teacher, or the dojo a person is part of, - that provides that person with a future opportunity to learn and respects the separation of private sphere from within a teacher student relationship. That is possible as long as this remains within the private domain of action relating to the individual.
Averse decisions are no longer avoidable , when a persons behavior enters official territory, - at which point it can no longer be ignored, and action can not be delayed hoping for repentance. At that point a person has to be remove from any position of influence, within the community and looses all privileges of a member of the dojo and a disciple.
In the event of a person declaring themselves through words or actions of no longer being a student of a teacher, but change their affiliation to an other group or teacher, it is unavoidable that changes have to be made.
One has not the right nor the duty to teach a student of an other teacher, nor has a guest teaching privileges. . At the very best and only out of benevolence and compassion and given special grave mitigating circumstances, the former student might remain as guests and be permitted to practice at the location.
That requires them to act as Guest, - familiarity with the teacher can no longer be assumed, the relationship to the teacher will have to adhere to formal proper interactions, just as any guest in a dojo would be required to.